Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Disney Anyone!?


It's been awhile since I last wrote. Not much going on. Still going through the daily grind. I got a few care packages!. Thank You - Mrs. Osterman and Thank You - Chris Pinto. It's very much appreciated. :)

So my whole plan was to go to Europe on my 2 week Rest and Relaxation (R&R). I had it narrowed down to either Central Europe to visit Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, and Poland. "They don't want to spend their summers learning the Fox Trot. They want to go to Europe. 22 countries in 3 days." - name that movie. The other choice was Great Britain. But alas, I've decided to come home for R&R. For one, my good friend Patrick's Wedding is on 17 September so I'll definitely be there! :)

Then I'm trying to organize a Walt Disney vacation, because I receive and extra 20% off my military discount if I go during my R&R. So, now I'm looking for any takers who want to go with me. I want to go between 19-24 September. I'm excited to go because I haven't been since I was 9. The part I really want to go to is Epcot, because as a kid I HATED Epcot, it was so boring just to visit all the countries. One of the countries was Canada... really!? Go all the way to Florida to learn about Canada? Even at 9 I knew that was ridiculous.What Epcot is really geared towards are adults who want to visit and eat and drink through Europe and who don't really want to experience European culture (ahem Maggie). Hahaha. Plus in September is not Africa hot in Florida and all the brats... I mean children will be in school!!

Anyway email me if you're interested in going.

Not much else going on right now. Well, nothing interesting...



  2. its only 20% off of lodging... and you get a cheaper 4-day park hopper pass for only up to 6 people! I've been researching...

  3. To easy "Nobody puts Baby in the corner"
    I've been reshearching too, and you can get a4 hopper pass for $138 for the time frame that you want to go. Which is a GREAT price. If I can get time off from work I'm in :)

  4. I've already been to Disney with you and know first hand about brats HA! So I guess I can say I already ....."Had the time of my life".....but ummmm Mackenzie is definitely know what they say about payback....


  5. I don't know what you're talking about Jeanne. I was a perfect little boy. Maggie back me up here. All I can recall is Jeanne screaming at me on Main Street USA, when all i wanted to do is simply go to the magic store before the park closed. How we got across the street while a parade was going on was not my problem to solve.

    I'm not bringing Mackenzie... i'm already in a war zone, you want to put me through more torture? That's cruel and unusal.

    Dirt Dancing is the movie - Maggie got it.
